A Step By Step Guide for Quitting Alcohol & Drugs!
Long-term use of controlled substances may have adverse effects and lead to substance use disorders in anxiety, hypertension, cardiovascular complications, nausea, depression, aggressiveness, seizures, and overdose. A drug-free life can help ward off some of the harmful effects of abusive substances and improve life quality.
Addiction is linked to the degeneration of the quality of life and the lack of care and connection that most recovering addicts never received. A life free from drugs can essentially help you reconnect with your inner being and who you are as a person. Likewise, quitting drugs may considerably help improve your relationship with family and friends.
Drug Treatment Process
The first step towards quitting drugs involves the process of detoxification. It is the process by which harmful substances are purged out of the body. Patients can choose to detox themselves at home or an inpatient treatment facility.
Natural detox is a viable option for people experiencing mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms. It involves a combination of herbal remedies, mindfulness practices, acupuncture, and other alternative therapies. However, natural remedies are ineffective in many cases, especially in treating patients suffering from strong craving and withdrawal symptoms.
Medically supervised detox involves enrolling in an inpatient program where various detox medications are prescribed to help patients complete detox. During inpatient care, patients must reside in a drug treatment facility where they receive several treatments and therapies to help them recover and achieve sobriety. Behavioral treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing (MI) are commonly employed for treating addiction.
CBT is aimed at addressing false beliefs surrounding psychological issues. It helps patients dismiss any negative thoughts and misconceptions that may have led to substance abuse disorder. CBT assists a recovering addict by illuminating the underlying irrationality behind many human actions and emotions. On the other hand, MI addresses addiction and substance use disorder by strengthening motivation and commitment to a particular goal among recovering patients.
Alternatively, the 12-Step program developed by AA ( Alcoholics Anonymous ) is used as a standard treatment method in many drug rehabilitation facilities. An intensive outpatient program (IOP) is also offered by some treatment facilities that allow patients to undergo recovery and treatment while choosing to live at home and without the need for medical detox or round-the-clock supervision.
Aftercare programs in the form of follow-up therapy, medical evaluations, and alumni support groups are combined to help patients maintain sobriety and abstinence after the recovery process.
How to Quit Cocaine?
Chronic use of cocaine can put you at increased risk of strokes and myocardial infarctions. Treating cocaine addiction begins with detoxification and may last up to a week. Patients can undergo rehabilitation either in an inpatient or outpatient facility. Depending on the individual patient, treatment time in an inpatient facility can be anywhere between one to three months, and sometimes longer.
There are currently no FDA-approved medications available for the treatment of cocaine. Instead, behavioral treatments such as CBT, MI, and community reinforcement methods are used for treating cocaine use disorder.
How to Quit Smoking Marijuana?
Although not everyone who uses cannabis develops an addiction, chronic use may lead to addictive behaviors restricting the body from functioning optimally. Long-term effects of cannabis use include paranoia, anxiety, insomnia, depression, agitation, mood swings, loss of appetite, and memory loss.
People receiving treatment for quitting marijuana may experience withdrawal symptoms. That said, they are not likely to be as severe as those of other drugs, and you can quit marijuana on your own. If you are smoking weed regularly and planning to quit smoking marijuana, quitting may be a difficult task. In such a situation, professional guidance may be necessary to help you cope with the withdrawal symptoms and achieve sobriety.
Many treatment facilities provide inpatient care for people suffering from marijuana use disorder. Inpatient treatments for marijuana abuse typically last between 30–90 days but sometimes can be longer depending on the patient. The most prevalent methods used for treatment include behavioral therapy approaches such as CBT and support groups options such as MA (Marijuana Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) modeled on the 12-step program.
How to Quit Alcohol?
Moderate drinking does not carry any severe repercussions. However, for a lot of people, drinking can become severely problematic. Alcoholics typically desire to drink despite suffering negative consequences and have trouble giving up.
There are different assessment and support options to treat alcoholism. New approaches based on CBT have been employed to tackle alcohol dependency. Additionally, self-help and mutual aid groups such as AA can also help in recovering from alcoholism.
How to Quit Meth?
Long-Term use of meth can lead to dependence and addiction. Effects and symptoms include increased heart risks, memory loss, anxiety, seizures, paranoia, sores on the skin, nasal irritation and nosebleeds, lung complications, and weight loss.
You are likely to experience withdrawal initially as you try to quit. It may take about a week for the withdrawal symptoms to recede. Seeking the guidance of a medical practitioner is essential if you are considering treatment for meth addiction.
Depending on your condition, treatment can occur either in an inpatient treatment facility or in an outpatient setting where you attend pre-scheduled appointments while staying at home.
How to Quit Adderall?
Adderall is a prescription amphetamine that stimulates the central nervous system by inducing the production of catecholamines such as norepinephrine and dopamine. It is primarily used to treat the symptoms of ADHD. Adderall is commonly abused by people in helping them stay alert, awake, boost energy, and suppress appetite.
If you are addicted to Adderall, quitting can sometimes cause uncomfortable withdrawal side effects. It could be best if you seek expert medical advice to help you quit Adderall. Treatment typically involves a tapering period that reduces the dosage, spanning a few weeks or months under medical supervision.
How to Quit Heroin?
Chronic use of heroin can lead to irreversible neuronal and hormonal degeneration. Heroin withdrawal is common among patients trying to overcome heroin addiction. A trained physician can help minimize the discomfort in this detox stage by prescribing you some opioid agonist medications to eliminate withdrawal symptoms and relieve cravings.
Treatment of heroin addiction can include both inpatient and outpatient drug rehabilitation programs. Inpatient treatment can consist of regular therapy sessions, support groups, and activities usually lasting between 30 to 90 days, based on the patient’s severity.
Intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) and standard outpatient and residential options are available after inpatient treatment or directly to patients depending on their particular needs. Some rehab facilities also offer aftercare and support groups services to facilitate recovery.
How to Quit Kratom?
Kratom is a tropical plant-based painkiller native to Southeast Asia. Polydrug abuse and interaction of kratom, especially with other opioids, have been reported to cause severe liver damage, high blood pressure, seizure, and even death.
If you are struggling and planning to quit kratom, you may experience cravings in the beginning. However, the withdrawal symptoms are not severe, and moderate to mild symptoms may last up to a week. In the absence of any specific treatment for kratom addiction, medically supervised detox usually follows the treatment procedures for opioid addiction.
How to Quit Smoking?
Nicotine is an active addictive substance found in tobacco. Nicotine acts on the nicotine cholinergic receptors in the brain, triggering the release of psychoactive effects that are pleasing and rewarding. Chronic abuse of nicotine can cause disorders such as anxiety and stress.
Medications for treating nicotine addiction include non-nicotine medications such as bupropion and varenicline. Behavioral treatments in the form of CBT in combination with MI and mindfulness practices have been found effective in recovering from nicotine addiction and preventing relapse.
The Bottom line
There is an increasing shift from traditional disorder-based clinical intervention to a wellness-based psychotherapeutic approach such as cognitive behavioral therapy that emphasizes the role of socio-environmental factors underlying all addictive patterns of behavior. Addiction, it turns out, aids as a substitute for the care and connection that most recovering addicts never received.
Persons in recovery often cite the support of family, peers, spirituality, inner strength, and desire to get better as critical sources of strength. Quitting drugs can bring about healing and transformative change by ensuring individual well-being and establishing a holistic relationship with the world at large. It can quip one with strength, vitality, and foresight about the negative consequences of addictive behavior.
Originally published at https://www.drugtestpanels.com on October 16, 2021.